Tuesday, May 22, 2007
this week i only have 3 days of school cause since last friday i had a long weekend all the way till monday and i will have another holiday this friday. and that will be the last holiday for this year... wow... this whole year is going to come to and end soon with only about 3 weeks of school left. i am really excited!! cause that also means i will be back soon =)
saying that... today the vice principal said that i will be kicked out of school next year... meaning that i cant come back to this school even if i wanted to next year since i failed to keep to my side of the probation which is to not have any absences... in a way i'm like...why the fuck would i come back? and another side i'm like fuck.. my parents are gonna fucking flip out once they find out i'm kicked out from the school next year since they are still holding that little bit of hope that i will come back to canada.
anyways, i have already told my guardian not to tell my parents yet cause right now i have so much homework and preparation to do for my final year to try and get good grades to get into the school in singapore so it would be kind of pointless for my parents to know this and give me hell and add on to my 'stress'. well... if i can get into the school in singapore , why the fuck would it matter if i cant come back to this dumbass school i am in now... but at the same time.. what if i cant? i swear i have to do well for my exams if i even stil care about my future..
so one important lesson i am learning right now is that nothing comes in for free... we have to always work hard for whatever we want in life. lol.. what my papa told me when i was a kid is indeed true.
anyways, few more days to my birthday... its wierd how i'm not like i cant wait for it to come....maybe my excitment would only come when i'm waiting till i turn 18. lol
stories of joell on 11:57 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
well, it has been a really long while since i've blogged....well... i'm back in canada, and supposedly this time i should be going back in june 25th for good! well, at least i hope.... everytime when i say i'm going to go back for good somehow something happens and i just have to get back here again... hopefully this time everything will go according as plan and there would be no troubles with getting into the canadian international school in singapore.
well.. anyways, its soon going to be may 25th and i really wanna write down everything that happens here for the last one month i have till june. i've said this many times,but it has really been a long journey for me.... its amazing how God above has allowed me to stay here for 2 years!!!!The thought of it all coming to an end brings a bittersweet smile to my face.....it marks an end of a journey in Canada and a new start to life in singapore after 2 years....and how much i look forward to that =)
stories of joell on 1:35 AM